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Parents are also anticipated to participate in volunteering several times a year, both with the pack and their den, to contribute to making Pack 828 an enjoyable and educational experience for scouts.

These volunteering opportunities involve engaging with fellow parents from the pack and den, offering an excellent chance to connect with others. Parental involvement encompasses:

  1. Assisting their child's advancement in Cub Scout achievements and electives through collaboration with the den leader and monitoring their progress.

  2. Volunteering to assist in organizing, hosting, and guiding den meetings and activities.

  3. Attending monthly pack meetings with their child. Scouting advocates for family unity, welcoming siblings to pack gatherings as well.

Pack 828 operates on a volunteer basis; nobody receives payment, including the Cubmaster and Den Leaders. We rely on volunteers to create an outstanding program for our children. This involves either taking on leadership roles within the Pack or supporting Pack events. Consider this: your child sees you actively involved during Den and Pack activities, or even better, leading as a chairperson or organizing one of our memorable events. Additionally, this ensures continuity, as experienced volunteers and leaders are ready to step in when families of AOL scouts depart in February.

Adult role models in Scouting offer invaluable learning experiences for all youth. Each adult volunteer brings something unique and valuable to the table. We need your guidance, coaching, and expertise to equip today's youth with the skills they need to become tomorrow's leaders.

How You Can Help

There are many ways that you can help Pack 828. Whether you are volunteering directly with Scouts or helping out behind the scenes, you can make an impact on the lives of our Scouts by volunteering your time.


How can you help? Here are a few ideas:


Assisting directly with the Scouts on an ongoing basis

  • Leader (Cubmaster, Den leader)

  • Assistant leader

Helping directly with the Scouts in specific events or activities

  • Blue and Gold Committee

  • Camping Chair

  • Communications Chair

  • Cub Scout Day Summer Camp Coordinator/participant

  • Hiking Chair

  • Membership Chair

  • Outing Chair

  • Photographer

  • Pinewood Derby Committee

  • Popcorn Committee

  • Scouting for Food Chair (Food Drive)


Support: Administrative Role

  • Advancement committee chair/member

  • Communications committee chair/committee member (Webmaster, newsletter)

Benefits of Volunteering

Serving as a Leader or Chair Person is rewarding!

The advantages of Scouting are not limited to youth. Adults also develop leadership and physical skills with every training experience. Volunteers network with other families – within and outside the Pack. This is important to those who wish to be accepted into a Scouts BSA troop as you make contacts with leaders in those troops, gain name recognition and build a rapport.

96 percent of volunteers say they would recommend volunteering for the BSA to other adults. In fact, volunteers believe their time invested with BSA helps them be:

  • A better citizen

  • A better parent

  • A better manager

  • More patient and tolerant of others

  • More open to new ideas and opinions

© Copyright 2023 by San Ramon Cub Scout Pack 828

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